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Bing Crosby
Bing Crosby
Bing Crosby

Bing Crosby

1903 Tacoma, Washington - 1977 Madrid, Spain
BiographyAn American singer, comedian and actor in the 1940s-1960s. His career included over seventy feature films and more than 1,600 recorded songs. He has three stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and was especially influential in WWII troop performances overseas. He became the first performer to pre-record his radio shows and crafted his programs as if they were motion pictures, which set a new standard for the recording industry.
Person TypeIndividual
    Harold Lloyd
    1893 Burchard, Nebraska - 1971 Beverly Hills, California
    B. B. King
    1925 Berclair, Mississippi - 2015 Las Vegas, New Mexico
    Glen Campbell
    1936 Billstown, Arkansas - Nashville, Tennessee
    born 1963 Los Angeles, California; lives Farmington, New Mexico
    John Gilbert
    1897 Logan, Utah – 1936 Los Angeles, California
    Roy Rogers
    1911 Cincinnati, Ohio - 1998 Apple Valley, California
    Jackie Coogan
    1914 Los Angeles, California – 1984 Santa Monica, California