San Antonio
Jose Rafael Aragon
(ca. 1783-90 Santa Fe, New Mexico - 1862 Pueblo Quemado (now Córdova), New Mexico)
Dateyear unknown
Dimensions23 5/8 × 7 7/8 × 5 7/8 in. (59.9 × 20.1 × 15 cm)
Credit LineAlbuquerque Museum, museum purchase, 1995 General Obligation Bonds
Object numberPC1998.18.24
DescriptionCottonwood (?) bulto of San Antonio w/ Nino, pegged to hand-adzed pine base. Figure is standing, holding the nino in his proper left hand, right hand is carved in a fist shape to hold missing attribute. There is a hole drilled in the top of the sain't head - probably originally held a carved crown as the area above the tonsure is rough and unpainted. San Antonio's robe is relief-carved, painted green-blue w/ black lines at folds on proper right arm and cowl. Tasseled & knotted gessoed fabric rope around waist painted yellow w/ black diamond design. Proper right hand has fingernails. Figure has rounded face w/ pronounced ears, a long, thin pointed nose, thin arched eyebrows w/ almond shaped eyes outlined in black w/ large black pupil & thin protruding lips. Figure is tonsured and beardless. Nino is wearing red painted robe w/ black spots. His hands have fingernails. Proper right hand holds a globe. Face has thin arched eyebrows w/ eyes similar to Antonio's, thin lips, undefined hair. The figure is carved in a seated position w/out feet. There is a hole in seat bottom for peg into Antonio's hand as well as a hole at the bottom of the base of the Nino's robe. Prop: San Antonio currently has a rosary placed around his neck. This rosary is 20th C., with metal beads. Stamped made in France with a medallion of the Virgin on one side & the Sacred heart of Jesus on the other.Iconography: San Antonio is invoked to find lost articles and animals; patron of animals especially burros & cattle; patron of the home; invoked by married women who want children and unmarred women who want good husbands.
On View
Not on viewTerms
ca. 1900
year unknown
ca. 1960
c. 1790